Work Request Manager API

(1 review)

Support and FAQs

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When should the Reject a Work Request event be used?

The Reject a Work Request must only be used if the work has been wrongly allocated, if there's a duplicate request for the same work, or if there are issues with the inventory or site information. The Reject a Work Request event can only be used when work hasn't begun. All child activities must be in an open state and have never been active.

If the same status is reached multiple times for one activity, should all updates be sent to Chorus?

To avoid building unnecessary business rules and logic into both Work Requestor and Work Supplier systems, for future proofing and for reporting purposes all status updates should be sent to Chorus and we will decide whether to consume them.

When should the status Practical Completion be sent?

Practical Completion is the point at which service has been given. For a new fibre connection this means the new connection is live, and for an Assure incident this means service has been restored. The Work Request Manager is designed so that once practical completion is reached the activity status can only move to Closed or In Review. Once all activities are closed the Work Request closes automatically. Any final updates such as providing outcomes must be sent prior to closing the activity.

Can a Work Supplier cancel an activity?

A Work Supplier can cancel an activity if the workSupplierAllowedToCancel flag on that activity type is set to True. If the activity category is open and has never been active it can be closed / cancelled.

Can a Work Requestor update an activity?

The activity is controlled by the Work Supplier (Service Company). The Work Requestor can only provide updates such as updated site contact details, rescheduling work or requesting cancellation.

Can a closed activity be reopened?

No. Once an activity is closed it cannot be reopened or updated. Once all activities associated with a work request are closed the Work Request Manager automatically closes the Work request.

How do I reallocate work to a different Work Supplier?

All reallocations are processed by Chorus. To reallocate work that hasn't been started, use the Reject Work request event with a reason code of Wrong Supplier.
